Artist Residency

We are currently looking for an artist for our fall 2025 residency program! This person already is a working artist and ideally has product that is already being distributed and sold. What this program aims to achieve is twofold: granting you the opportunity to spend about half of your time on your creative work while also maintaining the ins and outs of Bloom. Not only will you be able to further develop your creative career by giving you the ability to focus on your work, we will provide valuable business experience where you learn how an art-focused store functions and maintains itself.
If you don’t already know about why it’s amazing to live in Tucker County and Thomas, WV, let’s get you up to speed. Tucker County is 70% public land. We have Black Water Falls State Park, Otter Creek Wilderness, Dolly Sods, and more right around us - all of which are highly inspiring. Thomas, WV features multiple creative spaces, galleries and many artists like you working on their career. We have an amazing coffeeshop and music venue among more unique businesses that add to the vibe. Thomas is properly small town West Virginia and has a population of about 600 residents, but is heavy trafficked by tourists from all around. We are remote, yet have a steady flow of people looking for a unique experience.
Here are the facts:
- Call to printmakers, painters, illustrators, graphic designers, etc..
- Bloom is highly curated and our artist in residence will have a style of work that is congruent with it.
- We have a group that votes on submissions and your online portfolio will be reviewed by this group.
- This is a six month residency, beginning on July 1st, 2025.
- You will have the ability to take necessary time off periodically
- You must have product that you can either create or already have that can make up your income for the residency.
- In terms of product, we are an art print shop. The artist must already have art prints in production and distribution.
- You’ll have no consignment percentage taken out of your product sold.
- You will have up to a $1000/month stipend. If you sell $0 worth in sales in a month, we will pay you $1000. If you sell $250 worth in sales, we will pay you an additional $750. If you sell $1000+ worth in sales, we won’t pay you anything extra.
- You will also get your apartment completely free, including utilities. Bloom will cover this expense. The apartment is a gorgeous and spacious loft apartment and is walking distance from Bloom and front street.
- The resident artist works 5 days a week at Bloom, at which about 50% of their time will be dedicated to Bloom related work. Other times, the resident artist will be expected to maintain base operations at the store, keeping it open, but may work on their own work.
- You will be our third artist in residence and each person who has come before you has had a positive experience!
- What you will learn: How to be successful as an artist in a retail environment. We offer suggestions periodically on pricing, print sizing, printers to use, and how to find other shops to carry your work
- What we don't teach: How to draw or anything on the creative end. We provide a good space to learn these things yourself and further your own abilities.
Use the form below to tell us who you are and why this person may be you! If you are someone who we think is a good fit, we’ll let you know. If you don't hear from us in two weeks, we may have already found the candidate.